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Our vision is to inspire the employees to be the best they can be.
We will engage in sustainable practices and anticipate the needs of our customers by capturing their personality and natural expressions while minimizing flaws.


To achieve this vision, we provide a pleasant working environment in which our employees around the world can produce innovative results as a team.
We provide customers with the highest quality service by meeting their demands and offering service that exceeds their expectations.
At Fotosync we have and drive 3 core values: Integrity, Trust and Respect.
  • Do what is right for its own reward.
  • Never compromise ethics, morals, or standards for the sake of profit.
  • Support the development of others through consistent and predictable words and actions.
  • Act responsibly.
  • We shall always be transparent. In our offers, in our pricing, in our services and store communication, in our advertising, and in all our customer contacts, as well as in our relationships with our staff and our business partners.
  • We shall always be professional. We shall work at being well prepared and educated in our product range, including the origins and safety of products, and our services.
  • We shall always provide the services that our customers need.
  • We shall always show we care about our customers, staff and business partners.
  • Be patient and kind.
  • Speak kindly and honestly about ourselves and others and lift each other up.
The idea of our company name comes from the words “photosynthesis”.
As the sun and sunflower shown in our company logo, it implies that we (sun) release positive energy (light energy) to illuminate everyone (sunflower) distinctly outlined face.
We expect that they should cherish what they own now by capturing the sweet memories.
Filling the market gap of affordable price with a sense of corporate acumen, FotoSync was born in year 2013 and has since become one of the most dynamic, efficient and quality-driven business in Singapore.
JUL 2013
  • Corporate with CANON by selling its cameras and batteries
  • Corporate with SONY by selling its cameras
SEP 2013
  • Corporate with SONY by selling its accessories
MAY 2014
  • Corporate with GOPRO by selling its cameras and accessories
AUG 2015
  • Corporate with NIKON and OLYMPUS by selling their cameras
OCT 2015
  • Corporate with OLYMPUS by selling its accessories
FEB 2016
  • Corporate with CANON by selling its accessories
JAN 2017
  • Corporate with NIKON by selling its accessories
Core Value Statements
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